Radio War Nerd asked the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer to comment on his source for the story, who is still unidentified, in his first interview since he published the article on Substack last Wednesday (Radio War Nerd EP #366 — Seymour Hersh on US Bombing Nord Stream Pipelines).

Hersh emphasized that his responsibility was to protect his sources and absorb the heat when a story was published. He refused to reveal any information about the people he spoke with. But the journalist argued that individuals in the media who criticize him for employing anonymous sources ought to “understand the industry a bit better.”

The issue is that everything needs to be more valued. Because the New York Times and the Washington Post suddenly believe an unidentified source can be a press secretary or pressman who speaks to them informally. They don’t seem to have anyone inside, so I don’t know,” Hersh added.

He also pointed out that the main news organizations are not covering many important stories concerning the ongoing war between Moscow and Kyiv. Hersh noted, “The fight I know about is not the conflict you are reading about.

The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSN, he continued, “It is remarkable to me how they feel in line, my colleagues.” He complained that these publications had become fronts for the Biden administration and the White House.

Regarding the Nord Stream scandal, Hersh insisted that it was “not a hard story to find” and that it was evident that at least one NATO nation was involved, especially because senior US officials, including President Joe Biden, made it clear in February 2022 that the Russian-German project would be put an end “one way or another” if Moscow decided to send troops to Ukraine.