President Voldymor Zelensky shared a brief report on another week of Ukrainian resistance. He explains that Bakhmut, Kreminna and other areas in Donbas require maximum strength and concentration.
The situation there is hard as Russian troops use all their resources to prevent the Ukrainian army deployed in the region.
President Zelensky appreciated the bravery of Ukrainian soldiers in the region courageously holding the position. He suggested to stand strong and find opportunities not only not to lose anything but also to oust the occupiers, to subtract them.
Speaking about the energy sectors, Zelensky briefed that he organised a meeting with government administrators on the country’s energy and infrastructure situation.
Since the beginning of the war, several missile strikes were executed on Ukrainian energy grids, which left the city in darkness.
Zelensky noted that Ukraine is preparing for next year, not only for the winter months. Some threats must be eliminated. The Ukrainian administration has taken several steps, and the state will take them.
He added, “I held a comprehensive meeting on the results of the visit to the US and the implementation of the agreements. We won’t waste time, not even a second. As much as possible, we quickly implement everything agreed upon in Washington”.
Zelensky also mentioned that this week would be important for Ukraine from a political point of view as the year 2022. Ukraine must retain a common understanding of our national goals to enter the next year.
He said, “Of course, this is the liberation of our land from the enemy, as well as the restoration of Ukraine, the return of our people home, the further rapprochement of our state with key partners, the opening of new opportunities for Ukraine in the world – these are all tasks for the near future. And not only for the state but also for every one of us”.
President Zelensky informed that he will soon present his views on the implementation of tasks in the annual Message to the Verkhovna Rada on Ukraine’s external and internal situation. Zelensky stressed that he wants this Message to be not a report but a conversation about the coming year.
Zelensky appreciated every Ukrainian citizen for their contribution to the liberation of Ukraine. He noted that not only soldiers but every resident assist the country in their way.