The Ambassador of Greece to Sofia, Alexios – Marios Lyberopoulos, handed over his credentials yesterday, on January 26, to the President of Bulgaria, Rumen Radev.

Bulgarian Head of state praised the excellent level of Bulgaria’s bilateral relations with Greece and mentioned the importance of the two countries’ strategic relationship, which is developing effectively on many levels and sectors, such as energy, immigration, transport, and bilateral trade.


The Ambassador, Lyberopoulos, expressed confidence that relations between the two countries will further strengthen as the network of interests and common challenges that unite the two countries provide opportunities for even more in-depth cooperation between two friends, neighbouring countries that share values and principles that they rule international law and also the organizations they are members of.

The Greek ambassador Lyberopoulos, before assuming his duties in Sofia, was Director of NATO, Euro-Atlantic Security and OASE, as well as Director of Strategic & Operational Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He has served, among others, at the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul, the Permanent Delegation of Greece to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, the Embassy of Greece in Rome, and the Consulate General in Odessa.

As per Wikipedia, Bulgaria and Greece have excellent diplomatic relations and view each other as an ally due to the close political, cultural, and religious links between the two countries (the majority of Bulgarians and Greeks adhere to the Eastern Orthodox faith).

Greece strongly advocates Bulgaria’s admission into the Euro-Atlantic community and entrance to the Schengen Zone. Bulgaria has supported Greece’s position on the Macedonia naming dispute, and the two countries have similar political views on the Balkans, the European Union’s expansion plans, and other issues (1991–2019).

Despite the Axis occupation of Greece by Bulgaria, Italy, and Germany during World War II, modern relations between the two nations, founded in 1908, are regarded as quite impressive.
