
Valetta’s residents paid tribute to thousands perished in Mediterranean Sea

A tribute was held in Malta's capital Valetta on Sunday, February 5, to commemorate the thousands of people who have… Read More

1 year ago

Clash outbreak between Police & protestors in Freedom Convoy at France

France: The massive clash has been outbreak between Police authorities and protestors as thousands of people took to the street… Read More

2 years ago

Belgium: Clash outbreak in protest over COVID rules, police use water cannons, tear gas

Belgium has witnessed a protest on Sunday, January 23, 2022, as tens of thousands of demonstrators came out on the… Read More

2 years ago

France: Thousands demonstrates against COVID-19 vaccine pass

On Saturday, January 15, 2022, around 54,000 protestors came out on the streets of France in outrage against the law… Read More

2 years ago

French teachers protests against govts’ way of handling COVID in schools

Paris: French teachers came out on the streets on Thursday, January 13, 2022, in outrage against the way the government… Read More

2 years ago

COVID-19: Protest against vaccine outbreak at Germany, Italy, Austria

In Western Europe, thousands have come out on the streets in outrage against potential vaccine mandates for the general public… Read More

2 years ago

French people protests against new proposed COVID vaccine pass

With the introduction of a new COVID-19 vaccine pass, the protest has been uproar in France, as more than 100,000… Read More

2 years ago