Around 10 millions drivers got checked during the second quarter of the year by the traffic directorate of the Brussels Capital-Ixelles police zone. The findings states that around 25,000 people being fined.
The speed of 9,758,387 motorists in the centre of Brussels was checked during the period between April 1 &June 30, 2022 via fixed cameras, mobile speed cameras and the LIDAR speed camera (the mobile “super” cameras). The findings revealed that around 19,434 drivers were fined during these checks.
According to the findings, the fixed speed cameras caught most drivers (10,945), which is followed by the mobile (5,631) and the LIDAR cameras (3,128). In response with immediate interception, 73 drivers were taken off the road, and their driving licences were immediately withdrawn for a period of 15 days.
Additionally, another 6,137 drivers were fined as a result of the section controls in the Porte de Hal tunnel and Bailli tunnel, as well as in the Louise tunnels.
In some places, very dangerous speeds were reported, including on the Avenue Jules van Praet near Schaerbeek train station, where one motorist immediately lost their driving licence for 15 days after being intercepted when driving at 168 km/h in a 70 km/h zone.
Meanwhile, a speed camera flashed one person who was driving at 103 km/h in a 30 km/h zone on Boulevard de Nieuport near the canal, and a section control flashed a motorist driving 162 km/h in the Bailli tunnel, where the maximum speed limit is 50 km/h.