Brussels: Heritage Days of this year during the weekend of 17 and 18 September will centre around the theme of decolonization & will see several embassies open their doors to the general public for the first time.
Diplomats from around the pan-world work and stay in Brussels, often in very unique buildings. During the 2022 edition of the Heritage Days, also known as the Open Monuments Days, some of these will open their doors to the public, something that is expected to become an annual tradition.
“It is a first this year that many embassies are opening their doors to the general public. This year, about 20 embassies will open their doors, and the intention is that, from now on, embassies will open their doors during Heritage Days every year,” State Secretary for Town Planning and Heritage Pascal Smet said.
Last year, the so-called “off programme” element of the event saw citizens open their own heritage to the public last year, which turned out to be a very popular initiative. This year, embassies will show off their cultural richness.
According to Smet, 19 embassies have agreed to participate, “demonstrating their willingness to engage with life in Brussels.” Brussels residents can also once again open up their homes or show visitors around their gardens.