The French Educational Governmental Agency in Pakistan, Campus France Pakistan, is thrilled to announce its “France Excellence for Climate Change” Scholarship. This Scholarship is an initiative by the Embassy of France in Pakistan and is now open for applications.

Campus France Pakistan is a Governmental Agency providing people with an opportunity to study and pursue their career in France. The “France Excellence for Climate Change” Scholarship ensures people study at some of the best institutions in France for free.

Students who wish to pursue ONE or TWO years of studies in France at MASTER’s degree level are eligible to apply for the Scholarship.

The programs selected for these scholarships cover all the necessary skills to prepare for the future and are top-notch degrees delivered by some of the best institutions in France.

The topics which will be covered in the scholarship are as follows:-

– Energy & Environnement

– Health & Food Risks

– Biorfinery & Biomaterials

– Sustainable Management

-Agricultural Sciences

Application Timeline:

• Opening of the application October 23, 2023

• Deadline to send application: January 31, 2024 (closing date of the EeF platform).

This Scholarship comes up with an adequate opportunity such as:

  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly living allowance 
  • Return air ticket Pakistan-France-Pakistan
  • Student visa and Etudes en France fee waiver 
  • Social Security
  • Assistance to find affordable student accommodation (priority access to CROUS residencies, subject to availability)
  • Free French language classes before departure to France

In July 2023, Masood Maitlo was awarded the prestigious France Excellence for Climate Change Scholarship.

Masood is a proud Mehran University of Engineering and Technology graduate who will pursue his Master’s in Biorefinery and Biomaterials (Bio2) from Grenoble INP – UGA.  

For more information on Eligible programmes and Application procedures, visit their official website:…