On Friday morning, at around 11:50, emergency services were called to the 13th floor of the European Commission building- where President Ursula Von Der Leyen’s office is.

While some mistook the incident for a fire, the Brussels Fire Brigade confirmed in the statement that the Commission had in fact received an envelope containing suspicious white powder.

Meanwhile, as per the state released by a spokesperson for the Brussels Fire Brigade, Walter Derieuw, “Only one individual came into contact with the powder and has not presented any medical symptoms.”

Moreover, the situation is now said to be “under control”, and the building is not currently being evacuated. Furthermore, Civil Protection is on-site to analyse the powder.

Whereas, a medical team is also on site and the room where the envelope was discovered is currently under quarantine.

The outlet reports the situation is now “under control,” and the building is not being evacuated- apart from the rest of the 13th floor.