A Meta Platforms, known as social media giant Facebook, has faced an allegation of abusing its market dominance by exploiting the personal data of 44 million users. Due to this allegation, the social media company have been fined a total of 2.3 billion pound plus ($3.2 billion plus).

On behalf of the people of Britain who had used Facebook between 2015 and 2019, Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, a senior adviser to Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) watchdog and a competition law academic, is going to bring the case in the Britain court.

The lawsuit has been filed in the court named London’s Competition Appeal Tribubal, which further alleges Facebook for imposing unfair terms and conditions and made billions of pounds. The company was also alleged that it was demanding the consumers to surrender valuable personal data to access the network.

Facebook has been claimed and notified by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart and Sullivan, the law firm representing Lovdahl Gormsen.

By justifying their stands, the Social media company Facebook cited that people who are using the platform very well know what they do should publicise about themselves. The users see the value of the product the company is delivering to them, and they have meaningful control of what information they share on Meta’s platform and to whom.

Gornesen further asserted,” Since Facebook has created before 17 years, it has become one of the strong networks in the UK where you can connect with anyone at any time, somehow the Facebook made the connectivity and communication very easy and frequent”.

She further alleged that Facebook and mentioned the social media giant is collecting the users’ data by using different means. A mechanism such as the Facebook Pixel has been used by the company to collect the data of the users and allow it to assemble an “all-seeing picture” of Internet usage and generate valuable and deep data profiles of users.