Italy-based Mimi Thorrison, mesmerised by the beauty of France, felt so good to be back in her country and comforted and excited to be a guest in her country. She also shared her experience from her recent visit to the country.

Italy-based Mimi Thorrison took to her social media recently and expressed her pleasure and love for her country, she shared that France is the most visited country in the world, and it’s easy to understand the reason why its so visited country in the world, as they’ve been away for a few years, living in Italy, so that now she felt so excited and comforted to be back there and this time to be a guest in her own country.

She shared her experience and her love and warm nature toward the people of France: “I love to speak the language (mais oui c’est ma mother tongue), meet the people, and not get me started on the food and wine. My family comes from the southwest; we lived in Bordeaux for years; I feel like Paris is home; that’s where I’ve lived almost half my life. Burgundy is a region I’ve spent less time in.”

She further shared that she’s been driven through and visited a few lovely places over the years, but they never made her feel at home.
She added, “Let me tell you – it’s beautiful.
Last week we had the opportunity to glide slowly down the Saône River in a péniche, a most tranquil experience – pampered by a beautiful, international crew.”

Furthermore, about her fabulous experience in France, Mimi also described some gracious vital points about the food and other famous Cuisines of France added, “The chef, a Lithuanian gentleman, cooked precisely the kind of food we like, market-based, seasonal, fresh, and contemporary but not too modern. Crunchy and tasty. Bravo, Chef Virgil.”

At last, Mimi also shared that her life is often beautiful but seldom relaxing. She’s also a worrier, especially when it comes to the children and also marked that it was an actual holiday which was calm, yet there were so many things to discover.