The Employees of the Latgale Regional Administration of the State Police, the Social Service of Rezekne Municipal Administration, and the Centres MARTA are participating in the “Hand in Hand to Protect” Project, which the Council of Ministers of the Nordic States finances.

Reportedly, Marta is a non-profit organization based in Latvia that aims to provide psychological and legal support to the victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, including women and children.

Together with the employees of the Latgale Regional Administration of the State Police and the social services of Rezekne Municipal Administration, the Marta centres have applied to participate in the Hand in Hand to Protect” Project.

On the first day of the visit, the team visited the Arendale Police Station, where they got acquainted with the Arendale police working methods in domestic violence, compared the experience of the two countries and concluded where both procedures and legal improvements are needed.

 Conclusions: Much greater effectiveness in investigating domestic violence cases can be achieved if it is carried out by a separate department with specialized work resources, appropriate preparedness and technical means and in a much shorter period.

 There was also a discussion about initiating criminal cases because, in Norway, a criminal case is created in any case of domestic violence. As you know, many cases of domestic violence in Latvia come under the eyes of police officers, but criminal cases are not initiated.

 Norwegian police introduced a model of interinstitutional cooperation – both with crisis centres, health care organizations, hospitals, etc., the activities of the preventive department that focuses on intimate partner abuse as well as the surveillance mechanism of the abuser.

This recording has been created with the financial support of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The record’s content is responsible for the project managers and does not always reflect the official opinion or political stance of the Nordic Council of Ministers.