As Russian forces continue to take over cities and trap civilians in Ukraine, President Joe Biden is scheduled to make a stop in Poland as a part of his upcoming trip to Europe for urgent talks with NATO and European allies.

On Sunday, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, has informed that Biden will be leaving from Washington on Wednesday and travel to Belgium first, and then to Poland.

As per the statement, Biden will travel to Poland’s Warsaw on March 25 and hold a bilateral meeting with President Andrzej Duda. It is learned that the POTUS will hold talks about how the United States, alongside its allies and partners, is responding to the humanitarian and human rights crisis witnessed in Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion.

Earlier, the White House had announced that the US President would further travel to Europe on March 24 and discuss the Russian-Ukraine war for an extraordinary NATO summit in Brussels. It will be Biden’s first trip to Europe since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Moreover, President Biden is scheduled to attend a meeting of the European Council and discuss more sanctions on Russia. The ongoing humanitarian crisis resulting from the displacement of people from Ukraine will be on the table for discussion.

Jen Psaki added, “While he is there, his goal is to meet in person face-to-face with his European counterparts and talk about, assess where we are at this point in the conflict in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We have been incredibly aligned to date. That doesn’t happen by accident. The president has great faith in face-to-face diplomacy. So it’s a chance to do exactly that.”

The decision about Biden taking a trip to Europe was announced shortly before he signed a bill providing $13.6 billion in the additional military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris had visited Poland and Romania, held discussions on the refugee crisis, and underscore US support for NATO countries bordering Ukraine.