Saint Lucia: Deputy Prime Minister Ernest Hilaire shared a quote with a deep meaning recently today (Monday), October 8, 2023. The Quote states, “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day”.

Through this Quote, Deputy Prime Minister Ernest Hilaire urged people to think positively and emphasised how positive thoughts can change one’s perspective towards one’s life and the endeavours they face.

With this deeply stated quote, he reminded people to stay positive, ideal, inspired and motivated despite their life happenings.

This deep quote helped one to learn how to be positive, grateful and encouraging towards their life. Just one positive thought is enough to change one’s perspective and approach towards life.

Deputy PM Ernest also shared a caption: “A new week brings new opportunities. Approach this week with an open mindset and have faith that everything will work out for the better!”

“Have a blessed and productive Monday and week,” he added.

Deputy PM Ernest urged people to have a positive mindset towards their lives even ahead of serious challenges. He also urged them to believe that everything could be back to normal.

Notably, “Just one positive thought in the morning can change your whole life” is a famous quote by Dalai Rama. He is a highly spiritual leader and head of Tibet.

Through this profound and inspiring quote, he encouraged people to effectively cope with life’s unhealthy and harsh sufferings and carry a positive attitude throughout the day.

Dalai Rama made the people understand that it doesn’t necessarily require a whole event and situation to change one’s thinking and approach towards life. Still, through a positive thought, one can have the power to change his whole life’s perspectives.