Macron’s Dire Warning: France on the Brink of Civil War

Macron specifically called out Marine Le Pen's "National Rally" party, accusing it of exacerbating societal divisions by focusing on religious and ethnic issues. He argued that this approach could incite civil conflict, pushing the nation towards dangerous and violent internal strife

France Gears Up for Intense Campaign as Mbappé Urges Younger Generation to Vote

France braces for a crucial two weeks of campaigning after President Macron's unexpected call for snap parliamentary elections. This decision follows significant far-right gains in the European Parliament elections, prompting Macron to prematurely dissolve the Assemblée Nationale

Tag: Snap Elections

Sweden and Finland Ease Alcohol Sales Restrictions While Maintaining State Monopolies

This move, championed by the center-right government in Stockholm, aims to support local entrepreneurs and enhance visitor experiences with the promise of "creating great memories

Euro 2024: Belgium Highly Motivated to Engage France in Last-16 Clash

Following a goalless draw against Ukraine, Belgian midfielder Kevin De Bruyne expressed confidence in his team's readiness for what promises to be a grueling encounter on Monday

French Political Leaders Clash Over Ukraine Policy in Heated-Televised Debate

The debate, marked by sharp exchanges and divergent viewpoints, comes amid heightened tensions following Marine Le Pen's controversial remarks about President Emmanuel Macron's capacity as commander-in-chief

France Makes History in NBA Draft with Three Top-10 Picks

The highlight of the evening came with Zaccharie Risacher's selection as the first overall pick by the Atlanta Hawks. Standing at an impressive 6-foot-9, Risacher, at just 19 years old, expressed overwhelming emotion at being chosen to lead the Hawks

Tourism in Georgia Faces Challenges as Israeli Visitors Decline Amid Regional Conflict

Levan Giorgadze, a representative from Tbilisi Free Walking Tours, remarked on the noticeable drop in Israeli tourists compared to previous years. "The situation in the region has affected the number of tourists from Israel," Giorgadze stated. "While some still visit, the numbers are considerably lower"