Paris Orly Airport: 70% of Flights Canceled This Weekend as Air Controllers Strike

The disruption, set to commence from 0400 GMT on Saturday and extend through late Sunday, has cast a shadow over travel plans for thousands of passengers, exacerbating concerns as France braces for the impending Paris Olympics

Strike Threatens Eiffel Tower Visits Amid Financial Dispute

The strike, called by unions to protest the financial management of the tower, could extend indefinitely, casting a shadow over one of Paris's most beloved landmarks

Eiffel Tower shuts its doors: Strikes disrupt access to iconic landmark

A spokesperson for the Eiffel Tower confirmed that the closure is in effect until further notice, citing ongoing contract negotiations between the city of Paris, which owns the 134-year-old monument, and the striking workers

Tag: Strike

Tourism in France Surges as Visa-Free Program Expands to 92 Countries

With international tourist arrivals surging by 7.3% in 2023 to a historic 100 million, France has solidified its position as the world's most visited country, surpassing traditional giants Spain and the USA

Macron Faces Mounting Rejection Ahead of Crucial Parliamentary Elections

Former allies, including Patrick Vignal, have not minced words in expressing their disillusionment. "People hate you," Vignal bluntly remarked during a recent exchange with the president, reflecting a sentiment echoed by a growing chorus within political circles

Macron’s Dire Warning: France on the Brink of Civil War

Macron specifically called out Marine Le Pen's "National Rally" party, accusing it of exacerbating societal divisions by focusing on religious and ethnic issues. He argued that this approach could incite civil conflict, pushing the nation towards dangerous and violent internal strife

Paris Olympics: Seine’s Water Quality Threatens Swimming Events One Month Before Games

Despite these efforts, the city continues to grapple with a century-old sewer network that struggles to manage the volume of stormwater during heavy rains. This inadequacy results in periodic discharges of untreated sewage directly into the River Seine, compromising its water quality

French Far-Right “Ready” to Rule, Vows Tough Stance on Immigration

Bardella's proposals include strict measures such as expelling foreign criminals and abolishing the Droit du sol, which grants nationality to anyone born on French soil and living there for at least five years between the ages of 11 and 18