Video of a Nigerian street seller being attacked and killed in broad daylight around Italy has ignited a new fire over far-right parties’ xenophobic tactics in the nation’s election campaign.
Alika Ogorchukwu, ageing around 39, was killed on Friday in the centre of Civitanova Marche, a beach town on the Adriatic Sea. As per Italian media and reports, the attack began following the Ogorchukwu made “insistent” request to sell handkerchiefs and “for pocket change.”
On doubts of murder, a 32-year-old man from Salerno, in the Campania region has been nabbed.
The attack was also recorded on multiple surveillance cameras. Meanwhile, Matteo Luconi, the chief of the flying squad in Macerata, stated, “Witnesses will be heard & camera images viewed to clear the dynamics of the beating.”
Over hundreds of people from the Nigerian community and Italians protested in Civitanova Marche on Saturday. Some have also compared the killing to that of George Floyd in the United States.
Ogorchukwu’s wife, Charity Oriachi, added, “I want to look that man in the eye and ask him why he killed my husband. There was so many people around, why didn’t anyone help him? I want justice now.”
The incident has resulted in outrage in Italy, which will hold snap elections on September 25. A coalition led by Brothers of Italy along with including Matteo Salvini’s far-right League & Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia is tipped to win power.
A few days following Mario Draghi confirmed his resignation as prime minister on July 21, members and leaders of the coalition started preparing their electoral campaign by posting on Twitter news about crimes and rapes which has been allegedly committed by “fake refugees” and “illegal immigrants”. Tackling immigration and tightening national security are among the coalition’s priorities.
Aboubakar Soumahoro, an Italian-Ivorian activist, trade unionist and sociologist, said: “Some political parties are legitimising fear and hatred towards those who are different. This is a serious danger that we must fight every day.”