Around one in three secondary pupils have to resit their exams, a reality that many are putting down COVID-19. The following data has been released via the recent figures.
Several reports have indicated that 40% of students who passed their CE1D (diploma received at the end of the 2nd year in secondary school), 35% for the CE2D (at the end of the 4th year), 32% at the CESS (at the end of secondary) and 27% of those enrolled in vocational schooling have to resit their exams in August.
Julien Nicaise, the general administrator of the Wallonia-Brussels Education network confirmed that they had an abnormally high number of pupils that interrupted their schooling.
“About one-third of secondary school students have to resit exams in a second session this August,” he noted. “In a typical year, the number taking resits is closer to 20%.”
Nicaise believes that this is a consequence of Covid-19, which has resulted in students falling six months behind according to the Federal Planning Bureau.