The European leaders voted to allow Croatia to become the twentieth member of the eurozone with the single currency to officially come into circulation in the country of 4 million on January 1, 2023.

European leaders, who worried that winter will be a tough one for their citizens, pledged deeper cooperation and coordination on Friday to tackle the energy crisis.

The two-day European Council summit in Brussels ended with the 27 heads of state tasking the Commission to continue its work to identify ways to curb rising energy prices, including through possible price caps or to secure alternative sources of supply at affordable prices.

The Council, meanwhile, was called upon to take any appropriate measures to ensure closer energy coordination between member states.

This comes after several leaders warned that a difficult winter might be ahead as Russia has totally or partially cut deliveries of fossil fuels to 12 member states.

Finally, the EU vowed to do everything possible in the next few days to ensure that progress in the membership application of North Macedonia and Albania can occur after lawmakers in Sofia backed a French proposal to lift Bulgaria’s veto over Skopje accession.

Another summit was done and dusted. The next regular meeting is planned for October 20 but there’ll be plenty of geopolitical action to get by in the coming weeks.

As a reminder, G7 leaders meet from June 26 to June 28. This will be immediately followed by a blockbuster NATO summit in Madrid from June 28 to June 30.