Dominica: Prime Minister and the incoming chairman of CARICOM, Roosevelt Skerrit, congratulated the Caribbean Constituencies as the institution is set to mark the 50th-anniversary celebration of CARICOM. He also highlighted its leading role in improving people’s living standards and harmonizing the educational system for students.

As per the Update, The CARRICOM Community was established in 1973 by the treaty of Chagauramas in Trinidad and Tobago to create a shared space for the Caribbean Territories to work towards economic and sustainable integrity and development.

While addressing to honour the 50th Anniversary Celebration ahead of the 45th Regular Conference, the Prime Minister also emphasized its significant role in confronting Climate and economic uncertainty issues and said that the community must renew its efforts to protect the people’s livelihood and achieve economic resilience and prosperity.

At first, the Prime Minister continued to address CARICOM’s achievements and efficiency in resolving such issues at the ground level. “This 50th-anniversary milestone presents us with an opportunity to take stock of our achievements and assess whether we have remained true to the ideals of those who drafted the blueprints of this noble institution,” he added.

Further, the Prime Minister also expressed his vision to look forward and take an exceptional approach to upliftment, development and prosperity to the states.

“At 50, we must consider how we increase the productivity of our respective states, increase trade revenues and create sustainable economies, eliminate trade barriers and encourage free and facilitate the free movement of skilled citizens across our borders for work,” the PM remarked.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister also shared about people’s dependency on CARRICOM related severe serious issues and providing exceptional benefits to a healthy and prosperous lifestyle.

He shared that about 11 million youth depend on CARICOM to play a leading role in crime prevention and eliminating its harmful effects on citizens and societies.

The PM also emphasized the students’ dependency towards CARICOM to harmonize the regional education systems and set targeted learning outcomes to prepare millennials to thrive in a fast-paced global economy. This will help reconstruct a classroom layout and timetable that promotes the development of a holistic child grounded in culture and values.