In France’s first publicly announced arrest since last week’s sabotage of the SNCF rail network, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin confirmed on Monday that a far-left activist had been apprehended in relation to the attacks.

These incidents, which occurred just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, caused widespread travel chaos across the country.

Speaking on France 2 TV earlier in the day, Darmanin indicated that French authorities are “leaning towards the likelihood” that far-left extremists orchestrated the arson attacks. “We have identified the profiles of several people,” Darmanin stated.

“This is the traditional type of action of the ultra left,” he added. However, Darmanin also urged caution, noting that it was still unclear whether the individuals acted independently or were manipulated by external influences. “These are people who may be close to this movement,” he said.

A statement expressing support for the sabotage was sent to several media outlets, signed by “an unexpected delegation.” The statement criticized the Olympic Games as a “celebration of nationalism” and an example of the oppression of peoples by nation states.

Darmanin acknowledged the statement, describing it as “something that resembles a claim,” but warned that it could be an opportunistic attempt to gain attention.

The saboteurs targeted France’s high-speed train network with pre-dawn attacks on signal substations and cables at critical points on Friday, causing significant disruptions.

The attacks led to severe travel chaos just hours before the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony, affecting the plans of numerous travelers.

By Monday morning, all trains were operational again after teams worked tirelessly over the weekend to repair the damage. Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete, speaking on RTL radio, highlighted the extensive efforts undertaken to restore normalcy.

“Overall, 800,000 people faced travel disruptions because of the attacks, including 100,000 people whose trains had to be canceled outright,” Vergriete said. He also noted that the cost to the state-owned rail operator SNCF would be substantial.

The attack on the rail network has sparked widespread condemnation and heightened concerns about security during the Olympic Games.

Authorities are on high alert, ensuring that such incidents do not recur and that the safety of the public and the integrity of the transportation network are maintained.

This arrest marks a significant development in the investigation, as authorities continue to probe the extent of the far-left group’s involvement in the sabotage.

The identity of the arrested activist has not been disclosed, and it remains unclear how many more individuals might be connected to the attacks.

The incident underscores the persistent threat posed by extremist groups in France and the challenges faced by the government in maintaining security during major international events like the Olympic Games.

As the investigation continues, French authorities are determined to bring all those responsible to justice and ensure that the country’s rail network remains secure and reliable for all passengers.