In a decision reflecting the geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, France has announced that while Russia will be invited to the upcoming ceremony marking 80 years since the D-Day landings, President Vladimir Putin will not be extended an invitation.

The Liberation Mission organizing committee responsible for the event made the announcement on Tuesday, April 16th. Citing Russia’s “war of aggression” in Ukraine, the committee stated that President Putin would not be invited to the ceremony scheduled for June.

However, Russia itself will receive an invitation as a nod to the sacrifices made by the Soviet people and their contribution to the Allied victory in 1945.

The decision to exclude Putin comes amidst ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist movements in eastern Ukraine continuing to strain diplomatic relations.

While the announcement did not provide further details, it marks a departure from past commemorations where Putin was in attendance. Notably, he participated in the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in 2014, despite international condemnation of Russia’s actions in Crimea.

The French government’s outreach to Russia following a recent attack in Moscow claimed by the Islamic State group has raised eyebrows among critics. Some have questioned the wisdom of extending an olive branch to the Kremlin, especially as Moscow’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine persists.

President Emmanuel Macron’s administration has faced criticism for its approach, with skeptics arguing that the Kremlin’s actions in Ukraine render it unfit for diplomatic engagement.

Macron himself has not shied away from confronting Russia over its actions, even hinting at the possibility of deploying ground troops to Ukraine in support of Kyiv.

The decision to exclude Putin from the D-Day anniversary ceremony underscores the delicate balance France must strike in its relations with Russia.

While acknowledging Russia’s historical role in World War II, the French government is also sending a clear message that its actions in Ukraine have consequences.

As of now, neither the Russian embassy in Paris nor the Kremlin has issued a response to the announcement. However, it is likely to further strain relations between Russia and Western countries, which have been fraught with tension in recent years.

With the ceremony just months away, France’s decision to exclude Putin will undoubtedly be scrutinized on the international stage.

It reflects not only the complexities of diplomatic relations in the 21st century but also the enduring legacy of World War II and its impact on modern geopolitics.


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