In a stark revelation of France’s coastal vulnerability, a groundbreaking forecast by the French Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility, and Urban Planning (CEREMA) has projected a harrowing reality: by 2100, coastal erosion will have besieged thousands of buildings across the nation.

While the forecast, encompassing estimations for 2028, 2050, and the turn of the century, has yet to be officially unveiled, its implications paint a troubling picture of France’s battle against the encroaching sea.

The relentless advance of the sea has already significantly changed France’s coastline. In its recent report on climate change adaptation, the Court of Accounts highlighted that mainland France relinquished nearly 3,000 hectares of its coastal territory between 1960 and 2010.

This alarming revelation prompted calls for a comprehensive assessment of all French territories, factoring in the inexorable rise in sea levels. In this context, CEREMA’s initiative assumes paramount importance.

By the proximate year of 2028, the forecast foresees a chilling reality: a thousand buildings, succumbing to the relentless march of coastal erosion. Among these structures are 528 dwellings, half of which serve as second homes, with a cumulative market value estimated at €167 million.

Additionally, 340 outbuildings and annexes, along with several public and commercial establishments, are slated to fall victim to the advancing tide.

Notable among these are 75 beachfront establishments, 90 hotels, restaurants, and resorts, collectively valued at €54 million. The list further includes critical infrastructure such as emergency stations, nautical bases, surf schools, and even an oyster farm.

Geographically, the brunt of this crisis falls disproportionately upon certain regions. Corsica, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, and Var are identified as the most severely impacted areas, with Calvados, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Martinique, and Guadeloupe also bearing the weight of impending danger.

Even the distant shores of French Guiana are not spared, with 83 vulnerable buildings looming under the shadow of erosion.

CEREMA’s methodology, detailed amidst the foreboding projections, relies on a meticulous examination of “a cluster of clues” to identify buildings at risk within a five-meter coastal strip. Crucially, these identifications do not spell the inevitable demise of the structures but instead, serve as a warning of the looming threat of coastal erosion.

The forecast adopts a cautious stance, presuming the continued integrity of existing protective structures such as dykes and riprap. Furthermore, it extrapolates the rate of coastal retreat observed over the past half-century onto sites already grappling with chronic erosion.

Among the regions flagged as particularly precarious is Bouches-du-Rhône, where the spectre of coastal erosion looms large. As the sea inexorably advances, the need for robust adaptation strategies becomes increasingly urgent.

From bolstering protective infrastructure to implementing sustainable coastal management practices, the onus lies upon policymakers, urban planners, and communities to confront this existential challenge head-on.

The ramifications of unchecked coastal erosion extend far beyond the physical landscape, encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. With livelihoods, habitats, and cultural heritage at stake, the imperative for decisive action grows ever more pressing.

France stands at a crossroads, poised between the allure of its coastal beauty and the relentless onslaught of nature’s forces.

As the clock ticks towards 2100, the fate of thousands of buildings hangs in the balance, their survival contingent upon the efficacy of adaptive measures and the resolve of a nation confronting the unfolding crisis of coastal erosion.

Only through collective effort and unwavering determination can France hope to stem the tide of destruction and safeguard its coastal legacy for generations to come.


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