A total of 19,969 people have been diagnosed with the deadly viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus over the past 24 hours in Georgia on Friday, February 11, 2022, as per the health ministry of the country.

On the other hand, a total of 55 people have lost their lives due to the viral infection caused by the COVID-19 virus over the past 24 hours in the country.


With the emergence of the new positive cases of the novel coronavirus, the positivity rate of the country stood at 30.24 per cent.

As per the status of the recoveries, as many as 23,675 people have been received from the hospital facilities as they have healed from the deadly viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus over the past 24 hours in the country.

The number of confirmed cases of the deadly viral infection caused by the COVID-19 pandemic left 224,391 people who have remained infected.

As per the report of the health ministry, a total of 64 187 samples have been processed with the test against the deadly viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus across the country over the past 24 hours.

Out of the total tests, a total of 39,833 samples have been processed with the testing method called rapid tests against the deadly viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus.

On the other hand, the remaining 34,354 samples have been processed with the test called PCR test against the COVID-19 viral infection.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged in the country, as many as 1,418,027 cases of the novel coronavirus have been reported in Georgia.

So far, a total of 1,178,151 patients of the novel coronavirus have recovered from the deadly virus and been discharged from the hospital facilities out of the 1,418,027 cases. On the other hand, as many as 15,459 people have lost their lives due to the deadly viral infection caused by the nov4el coronavirus since the pandemic has emerged in the country.

As per the status of the Omicron, a total of 1913 cases of the new strain of the novel coronavirus have been reported in Georgia over the past 24 hours on Thursday, February 11, 2022.