Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday said that if a third World War were to take place, it would be fought on nuclear weapons and would be more destructive, as per the reports. Mr Lavrov has said that Russia, which launched what it called a special military operation against Ukraine last week, would face a “real danger” if Kyiv acquired nuclear weapons.
Russian forces have launched a massive strike on local government headquarters in the centre of Ukraine’s second city Kharkiv, killing at least ten people.
Whereas, another clear airstrike of Russia on Kyiv’s main television tower in the capital city of the centre of Ukraine has killed five and further knocked down state broadcasting.
Alongside, Residents in Kyiv dig in as satellite images show a Russian military column dozens of miles long bearing down the city.
In a phone call to President of United States Joe Biden, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that it is very important to stop “aggressor” Russia as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Zelenskyy also asked the European Union to prove it is with Ukraine by accepting it as a member in a video to the European Parliament.
President of Ukraine further added that, “Without you, Ukraine is going to be alone.”
As per the United Nations, over half a million people of Ukraine have already fled the nation amid the Russian invasion, and at least 102 civilians have been killed since the Russian troops have entered into Ukraine.
At the same time, long lines of cars and buses have jammed at the checkpoints of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and non-European Union members nations like Moldova as civilians continued to flee the Russian invasion.