Roseau, Dominica: Acting Prime Minister, Dr Irving Mclntyre welcomed Roger F Nyhus, serving as the new Ambassador of the United States of America to the Commonwealth of Dominica, marked stronger ties between both the nations. Minister Mclntyre is also serving as a Minister for Finance.

Initially, Ambassador Nyhus has visited Dominica and met the president of the country- Sylvanie Burton and presented his credentials to her. He extended his support to maintain their partnership to fulfil the shared goals of both the nations.

He said that his country is committed to resolve the issues and address the shared challenges, which act as a hurdle in the growth of both the allies.

During the meeting, Minister Mclntyre touched several topics of concern such as climate resilience, economic development and the security of its citizens.

Acting Prime Minister expressed the nation’s desire to work continuously with the United States in order to enhance their relations by patterning with matters such as security for the development of the nation.

Further, Minister Mclntyre conveyed his best wishes to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, as he is currently attending the 46th Regular Meeting of CARICOM at Guyana.

PM Skerrit took to his official social media handle (Facebook) to share the news of Ambassador Nyhus’s visit in Dominica.

“Acting Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Irving Mclntyre today welcomes His Excellency Roger F. Nyhus, the new Ambassador of the United States of America to the Commonwealth of Dominica.”

Continuing his statement, he added that, “He said their enduring collaboration underscored the strengthen of the mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries.”

The meeting is expected to bring positive and productive results which helps in the betterment of both the nations.

US Ambassador Nyhus extended his support on behalf of his country to help Dominica with every possible thing to achieve its sustainability goals.

Additionally, PM Skerrit has always been active in taking an interest in international summits or meetings, underlines the needs to maintain foreign relations for the mutual growth and benefits.


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