The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Embassy of the Republic of France has inked a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly finance a project supporting border security operations of the Jordanian Armed and Security Forces in the area of Al Ruwaished.

In the presence of representatives from the Jordanian Armed Forces, the Ambassador of France, Veronique Vouland-Aneini, and the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Marc Hasselaar, signed the MoU at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Amman. The two countries’ financial contribution amounts to a total of 1.9 million euros: 1.45 million euros from the Netherlands and 0.45 million euros from France.

The jointly financed project is aimed at supporting the security and stability of Jordan by allowing for better-integrated border management and an improved capacity to react to security crises along the three borders in the Eastern Military Zone. In addition, the project will upgrade the current facilities of the logistical and administrative hub located in Al Ruwaished.

Enhancing Jordan’s overall capability to react in an integrated manner to possible threats in this remote area will add to the region’s stability and improve the quality and skills of Jordanian security forces.

Meanwhile, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Marc Hasselaar, “We are supporting this project as part of the Netherlands Stability Fund in which Jordan is a priority country. In the coming years, Dutch support will contribute to security, stability and employment opportunities in the remote area of Al Ruwaished and training possibilities for future integrated border management projects.”

At the same time, Véronique Vouland-Aneini, Ambassador of the French Republic to Jordan, “France has been involved since 2019 in the project of the logistical hub of Ruwaished and helped secure its funding through a 6 million euro fund of the European Union, implemented by Expertise France, the French international technical cooperation agency. Thanks to this agreement with our Dutch partners and direct funding from both countries, we will be able to reach the full operational capability of the hub in the coming months.”