Joint Counter-Terrorism Team Launches Major Operation in Response to Sydney Church Attack


April 24, 2024- Sydney, Australia: In the wake of the tragic stabbing of an Assyrian Orthodox bishop and a priest during a church service in Sydney earlier this month, law enforcement agencies have launched a major operation in the city.


The Joint Counter-Terrorism Team, comprising federal and state police, alongside the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO), has been mobilized to execute search warrants as part of the ongoing investigation.


Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw addressed the media at the National Press Club of Australia, shedding light on the operation’s purpose and significance. 


“There is a major operation underway in Sydney,” Kershaw announced, emphasizing the necessity of lawful interventions to safeguard communities from potential threats. He reiterated that the operation aims to prevent any further planning or attacks on the public.


The incident in question occurred on April 15 at the Christ the Good Shepherd Church, where a 16-year-old boy allegedly carried out a knife attack, injuring Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and Reverend Isaac Royel. 


The assailant has since been charged with committing a terrorist act, a grave offense carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Details surrounding the attack paint a chilling picture of religious extremism


The accused reportedly spoke in Arabic about the Prophet Muhammad being insulted as he carried out the stabbing while the church service was being live-streamed online. 


The motive behind the attack appears to be rooted in religious zealotry, prompting concerns within the community and prompting a swift and robust response from law enforcement agencies.


Despite the gravity of the situation, authorities have assured the public that there is currently no imminent threat to public safety. However, the Joint Counter-Terrorism Team’s proactive measures underscore the seriousness with which they are approaching the investigation. 


By executing search warrants across Sydney, they aim to gather crucial evidence and disrupt any potential networks or individuals involved in extremist activities.


The swift apprehension and charging of the 16-year-old suspect reflect law enforcement’s commitment to holding perpetrators of terrorism to account.


With the charge of committing a terrorist act, authorities are sending a clear message that such acts of violence motivated by extremism will not be tolerated in Australian society.


The attack has sent shockwaves through the local community and prompted discussions about religious tolerance and the need for greater vigilance against radicalization. 


As investigations continue, authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or behaviors. In the face of adversity, the resilience and unity of the community have shone through. 


As Sydney grapples with the aftermath of this heinous attack, the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies and the unwavering support of the public serve as a beacon of hope in the fight against extremism.