Roosevelt Skerrit, the serving Prime Minister of Dominica, shared an update on the progressing works of the new Goodwill Secondary School. The information was shared with the public through a post on the official social space of the PM on Thursday, 22 August.
The post shared the on-ground imagery of the construction under progress, which is moving at a rapid pace. The glimpses of the latest condition of the project show that the groundwork is nearly done, and the works are active on the building.
The project on the new Goodwill Secondary School was started in the last year on 13 November 2023. The work was actually started on the ground after a few days, on 06 September 2023. The Project came into existence in order to rebuild the damage that the old school suffered during Hurricane Maria in 2017.
The new Goodwill Secondary School is one of the six schools covered in the project. The other five schools are of primary grade, which are also under the pipeline. The entire project costs around 30 million US dollars, which converts to around 81 million East Caribbean dollars.
The school project in Dominica is funded by China through diplomatic relations between both nations. An official collaboration was made between the Government of Dominica and the government of the People’s Republic of China for development and cooperation.
The intention of the project is to provide world-class education to the students of the island nation. The school under the ongoing project including Goodwill Secondary School will be laced with advance digital facilities.
The government is working to make the school a center of excellence in terms of technical and vocational studies. The constant updates by PM Roosevelt Skerrit on the construction of the school show his dedication and commitment to the project.
The company that is working with its expertise in the field to complete the new Goodwill Secondary School is China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. The old structure of the damaged school in Hurricane Maria was demolished to give shape to the new architecture.
The Goodwill Secondary School is being advanced by keeping focus on modern facilities and the demands of today’s age and future. The new premises will contain facilities like electrical installations, food preparation, technical drawing, garment production, fabric design.
The school will also be laced with auto mechanics, visual and performing arts, refrigeration, air conditioning, industrial arts, and many others like these. The project also helps create employment opportunities for the people of Dominica.