Saint Lucia: On January 2023, during a press briefing, Deputy and Tourism Minister of Saint Lucia Ernest Hilaire stated that the country would see the launch of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival.

While Addressing the media personnel, He said, “As we gear up for another week, I addressed several areas in my press briefing this morning. This week will be amazing as we see the launch of the revamped Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival”.

“The art component will be a critical part of the festival and all other creatives that will get a chance to showcase their talents on an international stage”.

He also reflected on the previous week’s successes with the inaugural call of the large cruise ship in terms of passenger capacity, Arvia. Thousands of visitors disembarked and visited sites across the island and walked the streets of Castries.

The 18-decker cruise ship Arvia was recently constructed by the German manufacturer Meyer Werft. The vessel, which was carrying 4,365 people from around the world, recently docked at Castries.

As with every cruise, Minister Hilaire and the Saint Lucia Tourism Ministry extended a cordial welcome to Arvia. Pigeon Island’s culture was also demonstrated at Port Castries to give the travellers a taste of Saint Lucian culture.

Over 1000 additional guests disembarked the ship to explore the lovely island and visit the communities for real Lucian experiences. The visitors enjoyed the indigenous music and appreciated their friendliness.

Minister Hilaire added that while looking forward to a better and more interesting year, he is also excited for this week because Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival is set to begin there.

The minister added that there is always a festival in Saint Lucia, regardless of the time of year. The island is certainly a paradise of festivities, from the energetic street parties of Carnival to the customary celebrations of Soufriere.

Saint Lucia is a nation of festivals, hosting various exciting events all year. The country is the ideal location for visitors wishing to experience the best of Caribbean celebrations, from the yearly Saint Lucia Jazz Festival to the well-known Saint Lucia Carnival.

The most well-known yearly event on the island is the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival, which features a week of top-notch jazz performances by local and international performers. In addition, there are numerous food vendors, a free street party, and a lively cultural component to the festival.