Saint Lucia: Prime Minister Philip J Pierre visited Gros Islet Police Station to initiate the construction of the new facility project. This project was paused by former PM, police officers and public operators since 2017. He extended his pleasure and shared some updates on the project.

Prime Minister Philip J Pierre, while sharing his first visit to the Gros Islet Police station, shared, “When I first visited the Gros Islet Police station as Prime Minister, I was even more assured that my decision to construct a new facility was urgent and important.”

“This project had been paused since May 2017 by the former administration, and our police officers and the public operated from a facility that was not fit for purpose,” he continued.

Further, Prime Minister Philip extended his pleasure to initiate this project. He added, “Today, I was overwhelmed to turn the sod for the construction of the Northern Divisional Police Headquarters, which will be financed under a Build-Own-Lease-Transfer [BOLT] agreement with the NIRPO/NIC.”

Furthermore, while bringing Updates to the information, He shared that the facility is expected to be completed in 18 months and boasts state-of-the-art facilities for training officers and other administrative departments.

A maintenance agreement will also form part of this deal to ensure that the investment of the taxpayers of this country is protected.

In Conclusion, Prime Minister Philip ensured people that he would continue to invest in the men and women of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force and that they have the requisite training and resources to deliver quality citizen security.

The General Public supported the Prime Minister’s decision and supported him for this initiative. Under his Official Social media post, one user commented, “A Busy And Focus Prime Minister Honorable Philip J Pierre Putting You First Is In Full Effect, One Good Term Deserves Another, Stay With Labour”.

While more users wished Prime Minister well done, god bless you; great job, and continue to deliver to the people to the best of your ability.