St Kitts & Nevis: Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew felt pleasure and extended his heartfelt congratulations to several patriots who were honoured with a companion of the Star of Merit and Medal of Honour in a prestigious Investiture Ceremony, which was being organised to celebrate their exceptional contributions to nation-building.

While highlighting their contributions to advancing and building the nation, Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew extended his heartfelt congratulations and pleasure through his official social media handle today, Wednesday, June 21, 2023, to honour the patriots for remarking the significant contributions towards the nation’s development and empowerment.


On his official Facebook handle, the Prime Minister added, “Today several patriots were honoured with a Companion of the Star of Merit and Medal of Honour, in a prestigious Investiture Ceremony to celebrate their exceptional contributions to nation-building.” He also shared some glimpses from the Prestigious Investiture ceremony, honouring and recognising them with awards for their contributions to making the nation advanced, developed and empowered.

As per the update shared by PM Dr Terrance Drew, the Patriots were awarded the Star of Merit and Medal of Honour during the ceremony. Both levels of acknowledgement represent the highest recognition of your exemplary accomplishments, exceptional service, and positive influence on society.

Further, at last, Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew honour all the patriots again for serving the nation and putting in their efforts and recognised them for their contributions, acknowledged them, quoted, “To all our honourees, with great pride and admiration, I extend heartfelt congratulations on receiving this esteemed recognition. To receive acknowledgement for your dedication to serving your country and people on this level is indeed a distinguished honour.”