British Conservative Party Politician and Member of Parliament for Highpeak Constituency in the United Kingdom, Robert Largan, expressed his disappointment against the tactics played by Labour Party, who voted 18 times on the Illegal Migration Bill and stopping the boats.

As per the Member of Parliament for Highpeak in the United Kingdom, Robert Largan, the latest record-breaking session in the House of Commons, the labour party MPs voted 18 times on the Illegal Migration Bill against stopping the boats.

“The votes took place because Labour supported wrecking amendments tabled by the House of Lords as part of their attempt to block the Illegal Migration Bill and the Government’s plan to stop the small boats.” MP Robert added.

Under these plans:

  1. Anyone entering the UK illegally will be detained immediately and removed to a safe country within weeks.
  2. Anyone entering the UK illegally will not be able to claim asylum in the UK.
  3.  Anyone entering the UK illegally won’t be able to make spurious and late claims to frustrate removal.
  4. Anyone entering the UK illegally will face a lifetime bar on lawful re-entry to the UK.
  5. Tougher enforcement with a new Small Boats Operational Command to crack down on criminal gangs.
  6. Turn agreements with safe countries like Albania.

He also shared that the Labour Party have been fighting tooth and nail against these plans, just as they opposed the deportation of foreign convicted murderers and sex offenders.

“Labour has no plan to stop the boats. They have no desire to stop the boats.” he quoted.

Meanwhile, MP Robert expressed his pride and shared, “I am proud of the generosity of the British people and our long history of providing a safe haven to the world’s most vulnerable people. Most recently, we have offered sanctuary to many people from Ukraine. But there is nothing compassionate about tolerating illegal entry into the UK and allowing criminal gangs to act with impunity.”

According to the UN, there are at least 100 million displaced people in the world who potentially qualify for asylum under our current laws. Those who advocate de facto open borders and unlimited, uncontrolled migration need to be honest about exactly what that would mean in reality.

The British people believe in a sense of fairness. The current broken system isn’t fair, and it isn’t sustainable.

Further, while expressing his disappointment against the Labour Party’s votes, MP Robert added, “In successive elections, the British people have voted for controlled borders and limited immigration. Enough is enough. We must fix the broken system, regain control of our borders and stop the boats.”