The Armed General Forces of Ukraine shared some operational information as of today, Wednesday, June 28, 2023, on the Russian-Ukraine invasion. The Armed General Forces of Ukraine shared that the four-hundred and ninety-ninth age of the widespread armed aggression of the Russian Federation against their state has begun.

As per the Update, the Armed General Forces of Ukraine shared that the Russian Federation continues to ignore the laws and customs of war, use terror tactics, strike strikes, and fire on military and civilian objects. The Russian occupants struck another blow tonight by Iranian udnimi bpla type “Shahid”. Information on the consequences of this terrorist attack is currently being clarified.

Over the past day, Russian zarbniki struck the territory of Ukraine. For this, five winged missiles from the H-22 air base and two zenith-guided missiles of S-300. In addition, the enemy carried out 24 aviation strikes and 42 shelling from the jet systems of fire. Rockets H-22, the enemy, targeted the dachnomu cooperative in the Kremenchuk district of the Poltava region and across Zaporizhzhia.

Russian terrorists hit a civilian-filled catering facility in the centre of Kramatorsk and the private sector of the settlement of the Belenke Donetsk region with C-300 missiles. Unfortunately, as a result of the Russian terrorist attack, there were children and adult civilians killed, more than 50 civilians injured, and apartments and dozens of private residential buildings damaged.

The probability of missile and air strikes throughout Ukraine remains very high. The opponent continues to focus the primary efforts on the Lyman, Bakhmutsk and Maryinskomu directions, and heavy battles continue. During the day, more than 30 conflicts took place.
In the Volyn and Polish directions, an operational environment is without significant changes.

In the Sivers,komu and Slobozhans верkomu directions, the opponent carried out mortar and artillery shelling over 20 settlements, namely, Zarichchâ and Tymonovičí of Chernihiv region; Middle Buddha, Porohon, Fotovizh, Great Pisarívka of the sumy area, as well as us, Cossack Lopan and Red First in Kharkiv region.

In the Kupyan direction, artillery and mortar shelling also suffered over 20 settlements, namely masûtivka, kislivka, kotlyarivka and Berestove Kharkiv region.
In the Lymans киkomu direction, the opponent committed unsuccessful offensive actions in the order of bílogorívka. More than 15 settlements suffered artillery shelling. Among them are Nevske, Dibrova, and Belogorivka Luhansk region and Yampolivka, Torske, Serebryanka and Spirne in the Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy carried out offensive actions in Orihovo-Vasilivka and was unsuccessful. Enemy artillery shelling affected areas of more than 15 settlements. In particular, Nykyiforivka, Vasyukivka, Rozdolivka, Markove, Chromove, Chasív Yar, Ivanivka, Ozaryanivka, and Southern Donetsk region fell under fire.

In the Avdiivka direction, the enemy struck aviation in the area of Avdiivka. Carried out artillery shelling of districts of more than 20 settlements. This is, in particular, Ceramics, Novokalinovo, Avdiivka, Jasnobrodivka, Pervomayske and Nevelske of Donetsk region.

In the Maryinsky direction, the enemy carried out offensive actions in the areas of Maryinka and Pobeda but failed. Gave aviation strikes near Marinka and krasnogorívka. At the same time, they carried out artillery shelling over ten settlements. In particular, Marinka, Illinka and Victories of the Donetsk region.

In the Shakhtarsk direction, the enemy committed unsuccessful offensive actions towards the village of Rivnopil. Gave aviation strikes in the area of the storoževogo Donetsk region. Carried out shelling over 15 settlements. This is, in particular, katerinívka, élizavetívka, bogoyavlenka, graceful, carbon, prečistívka and golden niva on donetskčiní.

In the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson directions, the opponent focuses the primary efforts on preventing the promotion of our troops. The enemy inflicted aviation strikes in the oríkhov and novodanilívki of the Zaporizhzhia region. Carried out artillery shelling over 50 settlements.

In particular, Novodarivka, Olgivske, Poltavka, Malinivka, Charivne, Mala Tokmachka, Preobrazhenka, Walnuts and Pavlivka of Zaporizhzhia region; Nikopol of Dnipropetrovsk region; Golden Balka, Dudchany, Kachkarivka, Vesele, Antonivka, Kherson, Bilozerka, Dniprovske, Kizomis of Kherson region and Ochakov in Mykolaiv region.

In the settlement of the Gornostaivka Kherson region, occupants take housing from locals who left for the controlled territory of Ukraine or died due to combat. The stolen housing is marked with “property of the Russian Federation” plates.

Over the past 24 hours, the Air Defense Forces have delivered 18 strikes on the enemy’s personnel and six on the enemy’ sane-missile complexes. Also, our defenders have destroyed six rozvídval Такоnih bola.

Units of missile troops and artillery during the past day hit One point of control, two zenith missile complexes, “Buk”, and four areas of focus of life force, enemy weapons and military equipment.