In order to facilitate and be aware people of the ongoing pandemic, the government of Belgium had deployed field agents on a daily basis at various places. The Decision was taken since the deadly viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 has emerged in the country. Now, as per the government’s data, around 120,000 people have come in touch with the agents, and they have visited different people.
The field agent was appointed from the government’s Covid-19 testing and tracing department to aware the residents of Brussels of the deadly virus or a high-risk contact.
Moreover, around 60 agents have been deployed by the Joint Community Commission (Cocom) and the health insurance fund and their worlds included to inform the patients of health measures and also help those who need in the time of the pandemic.
Further, the step was proved very helpful as the agents could reach the people who have no access to the phone, the agents have provided a face to tracing process, and people have trusted them due to their great human approach, Cocom added while speaking at the press conference.
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, Cocom also underlined that the agents always answer the questions of the people in which they informed the ordinary person about the vaccination, travel, the Covid- 19 safe ticket and many more.
Moreover, the best part is that if the question is out of their reach, the agents provide them with exemplary services such as municipal services or health insurance funds to reach the right person and solve their problems.
As per the head of Brussels Health Inspectorate Inge Neven, the agents had come from different backgrounds and communities and together, they have formed a group of multiple languages from English to Swedish and from Arabic to Vietnamese.
Moreover, while emphasising about the agents, Neven noted,” The field spread across the more than eight zones, and everyone has covered around two to four municipalities, which means to have five to ten agents per zone. The benefit of the separation of the agents help to explore the infection rate and could also get interacted with the people and help them”.
So far, around 41,000 people who get infected travelled to the agents, and more people are coming in the wake of solving their problems.