The President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, and more than 20 International delegations praised the veterans for their courage and commitment during the conflicts on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at the significant memorial service held in Busan, South Korea, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Ceasefire that ended the Korean War.

During the Significant Memorial Service held in Busan, South Korea, the South Korean President and more than 20 International Delegations from the world emphasised the commitment and determination of Veterans to fight against injustice and serve the people’s lives who are hugely affected by it.

In the presence of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and more than 20 international delegations, the veterans were also congratulated for their bravery and commitment during the conflict.

Out of twenty International Delegations, one of them was the 89-years old Belgian Veteran Henricus Bijns remarked on several critical points for South Korea and demonstrated his courage and determination for the nation.

He added, “Belgium is my homeland, Korea is my second home.”

Further, he also shared that Seeing young people there today is very different. “If I was young again and this happened again, I’d do it all over again,” he smiled.

He also shared many things while lighting over his experience from his volunteering and said, “I volunteered in July 1953, when the armistice was signed. After a month of training in Marche-les-Dames, I left for Korea on November 26, 1953.” “I was a gunner there. I had just turned 20, and on June 15, 1955, I finally returned home with the last volunteers,” he said.

At last, while concluding, the closing ceremony was filled with testimonials from veterans, with videos and live music, “When the Korean children came up, the tears started to flow,” said Henricus.

“Then I think of the moment when we docked the ship in Busan and drove north for two days and one night. When you got there, and you saw the orphans walking around… When you see the young people now, it’s a big difference. If I were still young and it happened again, I would do it again,” he smiled.