The Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Budapest has filed charges against a 43-year-old woman who killed her casual acquaintance, a 64-year-old man. The crime took place with specific cruelty in a building in the VI district in April 2020. The woman took several valuable objects with her, but she could not get out of the building for hours due to the security bar at the front door.

As per the indictment of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, the woman was released in February 2020 from apprehension in another criminal case. She became homeless in Budapest. Whereas on April 16, in the morning, in the VI district, under the Nyugati Square overpass, she was begging from motorists parked there when an elderly man walked past.

The woman addressed the man and they started talking. The elderly man called the woman to his home in Terezvaros. After the woman acknowledged the invitation, they walked altogether to the Podmaniczky Street stop of trolleybus 72. They got off at the Street stop of Bajza & went to the man’s house, where they had a drink and continued talking. Following these incidents, the woman attacked the man in the apartment in unknown circumstances.

The woman stabbed her victim forty times all over his body with a pocket knife. Meanwhile, the victim tried to defend himself by holding his arms in front of him. After the failed attempt at self-defence, he finally collapsed and died.