Following the conclusion of the 2020/2021 Vendée Globe, French sailors Clarisse Crémer and Tanguy Le Turquais have vehemently denied accusations of cheating leveled against them.

Responding to an anonymous email sent to the French Sailing Federation (FFVoile) last Sunday, the couple issued a joint statement refuting any wrongdoing and expressing their intention to contest the allegations.

The accusations center around allegations that Crémer received unauthorized assistance from her husband, Le Turquais, who was on land, during the grueling 45,000-kilometer solo sailing race.

Such aid, if proven true, would constitute a breach of the Vendée Globe’s strict rules against outside assistance, which is considered a fundamental aspect of the challenge that sets sail from and returns to the French port of Les Sables-d’Olonne every four years.

An international jury has been convened to investigate the matter, prompted by screenshots of WhatsApp conversations purportedly between the couple, which were submitted to the federation along with the anonymous tip-off.

In their defense, Crémer and Le Turquais maintain that their communications were entirely within the bounds of privacy expected between a married couple.

Crémer, who helmed her yacht Banque Populaire to a commendable 12th place finish in the race, asserts that Le Turquais never provided her with information that would have influenced her race strategy or decision-making process.

“During our chats which essentially concerned the intimacy between a couple, Tanguy never gave me the slightest bit of information that I didn’t have already,” Crémer insisted, emphasizing that all her performance decisions were made independently and in compliance with race regulations.

The couple also questioned the motive and timing of the anonymous accusations, particularly as they are both contenders for the upcoming Vendée Globe scheduled to commence in November.

With only 40 slots available among the 44 candidates, the timing of the allegations could potentially jeopardize their participation in the prestigious event.

Expressing their frustration and resolve, Crémer and Le Turquais revealed that they are considering legal action in response to the accusations, signaling their determination to clear their names and uphold the integrity of their competitive endeavors.

The allegations have cast a shadow over the recent edition of the Vendée Globe, a race renowned for its demanding solo navigation and the indomitable spirit of its participants.

As the international jury conducts its investigation, the sailing community awaits the outcome with bated breath, hopeful for a resolution that will uphold the principles of fair play and sportsmanship that lie at the heart of this iconic maritime challenge.


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