Sofia, Bulgaria: The Minister of Culture, Krstu Krastev, addressed the official guests and participants in the Third International Forum, “Brand Bulgaria- Touch the Miracles,” held at the BAS building on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

As per the Update, The event began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims who died in the floods in the municipality of Tsarevo on September 5, 2023.

The Forum is organized by the Cultural Heritage Society (“Europe Nostra” – Bulgaria) and is under the patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel.

Minister Krstu Krastev remarked in his opening speech, “We have gathered to write a scenario in which Bulgaria is presented to the world in a new image, with a new business card. Which stretches our backs and tears our eyes with pride.”

“An image of our homeland for generations we dream of. This brings us all together, in this hall, united by the mission of “Brand Bulgaria” – for the new story about Bulgaria.”

Further, Minister Krstu said, “The answer to the question of what we need to succeed in this endeavour, according to Minister Krastev, is that we should try to tell ourselves through “Brand Bulgaria” – through a fascinating story connecting our past, present and future, revealing our identity by the rules of challenges contemporary – with new products and new attractions.”

Later on Friday, September 8, 2023, the Minister of Culture Krastu Krastev received into the Ministry of Culture Pete Jaspert, Vice President of Europe Nostra, Slavka Bozukova, Chairman of the Cultural Heritage Society (Europe Nostra – Bulgaria) and Joanna Mikru of Eliniki Eteria (Europe Nostro – Greece).

During the meeting, the possibilities for cooperation between Bulgaria and Europe Nostra in preserving cultural heritage were discussed.

Participants in the meeting also discussed the upcoming coordination meeting on September 15, during which the ministers of culture, economy, agriculture, education, regional development and welfare will concretify their joint work on developing “Brand Bulgaria”.

The aim will be to elaborate a unified communication strategy for the international consolidation of our country. The next steps were outlined in connection with preparing the Balkan Forum “Shared Past for a Shared Future”, to be held in November in Sofia.

Minister Krastev stressed that “Brand Bulgaria” is a priority of the government. Therefore, he considers the current conference a good starting point for further concrete work.

On his part, the Vice President of “Europe Nostra” pointed out that he has been to many countries and for the first time, he sees so much united energy for cultural heritage at the highest state level.