The Deputy Permanent Representative from the Russian Foreign Ministry
Maria Zabolotskaya addressed at an “Arria-formula” meeting of UNSC members “Reinforcing the implementation of the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda for a peaceful and stable Africa” on Monday, August 28, 2023.

While highlighting the key points from the summit, the Deputy Permanent Representative, Maria Zabolotskaya, said that The second #RussiaAfrica Summit in St. Petersburg in July this year gave priority attention to issues of interaction with African countries.


READ HERE MORE: Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative from the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zabolotskaya

“The Summit Declaration welcomes strengthening the authority of African states and the African Union as the leading continental organization in Africa as one of the critical pillars of a multipolar world.

The Declaration also reaffirms the need to jointly oppose neo-colonialism, double standards and the practice of thrusting their conditions upon others and to prevent situations where these practices may deprive States and peoples of the right to make a sovereign path for further development”.

Young people (in particular African youth) respond to injustice more acutely than anyone else. African youth have played a significant role in overcoming the consequences of the colonialist policies that the West has pursued in Africa for centuries.

The West has not acknowledged its culpability for the transatlantic slave trade and colonialism, the consequences of which can still be seen today.

Today’s critical issue is Western reparations for economic and humanitarian damage and the return of cultural property illegally exported during the pillaging of African states in the colonial era.
International organizations are sounding alarm over the deaths of migrants and refugees at sea.


It is precisely young migrants who become victims of draconian measures by the European Union and the United Kingdom to prevent foreigners from entering Europe. We believe these issues should also be the focus of the Security Council under the agenda item Youth, Peace and Security.