Japan: The Embassy of Japan extended their gratitude to all the Japanese and Belgium Students who participated in an online game jam named “Belgium x Japan Jam 2022″ today, Thursday, August 3, 2023, and remarked on the long-term relationship between Japan and Belgium.

As per the Update, the online game jam, “The Belgium x Japan Game Jam 2022,” is organized by Wallonie-Bruxelles International and was held in Japan in December 2022. During the event, Astrid of Belgium was also present. The Embassy also shared some glimpses from the event and honoured all the students for showcasing their mental skills.

From the event, she extended her pleasure and gratitude. She remarked that the relationship between Japan and Belgium is witnessing increased ministerial exchanges and growth in youth exchanges. 

The two nations’ collaboration internationally to create video games was held at Kyoto Seika University’s Kyoto International Manga Museum today, Thursday, August 3, 2023.

 “Belgium×Japan Game Jam 2022” featured 20 teams of Belgian and Japanese university students – about 200 people in all – tasked with harnessing their unique skills to develop specifically-themed games in just 48 hours.

Several participated online, using translation tools or online chat services to communicate across time zones. Each equally-mixed team incorporated gaming elements from both cultures, transcending borders while fostering international exchange. 

The Belgium x Japan game jam’s 2022 theme was “balance” to resolve the problems of Modern Society face. This theme was highly Based on solving various problems facing modern society, such as environmental problems, energy problems, immigration problems, and war. The game was decided to express the spirit of balance required to solve these problems without leaning too much on one side. Seven sub-themes were requested, such as incorporating the culture of Japan and being able to play across language barriers.