Baulevu High School was honoured to host the Permanent Secretary for Education, Selina Kuruleca, as the chief guest at their pre-carnival event. The carnival was organized to raise funds to construct a much-needed multipurpose hall for the school.

The event, held on Thursday, August 24, at Syria Park in Nausori, was a significant milestone for Baulevu High School, showcasing the community’s dedication and commitment towards providing a conducive learning environment for its students. Chief guest Selina Kuruleca, a prominent figure in Fiji’s education system, added to the event’s excitement and enthusiasm.

In her address to the attendees, chief guest Kuruleca took the opportunity to acknowledge the founders of Baulevu High School, highlighting their vision and determination to establish an institution that prioritizes quality education for all.

She emphasized that education goes beyond traditional textbooks and exams, as it plays a vital role in shaping individuals into well-rounded and compassionate members of society.

Furthermore, chief guest Kuruleca reiterated the government’s commitment towards education and its role in nation-building. The support and dedication shown by the government in providing students with a nurturing and empowering learning environment were commendable. It is evident that education is a top priority for the government, and they are working tirelessly to ensure every Fijian child has access to quality education.

The fundraising carnival event would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Baulevu High School’s teachers, parents, guardians, and students. Their tireless efforts in organizing the event showcased their unwavering commitment to the school and its mission. Their enthusiasm and dedication to the cause were genuinely inspiring and demonstrated their belief in the importance of education.

Baulevu High School strives to create a better learning environment for its students. The funds raised during this carnival event will be instrumental in constructing the much-needed multipurpose hall. The new facility will provide students with a space for various activities, enhancing their overall educational experience.

As a community, let us rally behind Baulevu High School in their efforts to improve educational opportunities for our children. Together, we can make a difference and empower future generations through quality education.