On March 14 and 15, at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi, a symposium on “Shared Buddhist History” was held focusing on the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and India.

The historic meeting, which was the first of its kind under India’s leadership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), discussed “Shared Buddhist History” (from September 17, 2022, to September 20, 23).

Some SCO’s members, observer states, and conversation partners are China, Russia, and Mongolia. More than 15 academics and delegates presented research papers on the topic, including representatives from the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary.

Those are the University in Myanmar, the Dunhuang Research Academy in China, the Institute of History, Archaeology, and Ethnology in Kyrgyzstan, the National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan, the Belarusian State University, and the State Museum of the History of Religion in Russia.

The main organisers of the two-day programme are the International Buddhist Confederation, a grantee organisation of the Ministries of Culture, Foreign Affairs, and Culture. There will also be a large contingent of Indian Buddhist specialists present. Participants can also visit some of Delhi’s historic sites.

The Conference seeks to rebuild cross-cultural linkages while searching for parallels in Central Asian Buddhist art, art movements, archaeological sites, and antiquity in various SCO nation-state museum collections.

One of the many natural miracles of this planet is the development and spread of ideas since the beginning of time. negotiating challenging mountains, vast oceans, and international borders without incident; finding inspiration in other cultures; and passing international borders. Buddha’s attraction for being different is also distinct.

Its universality went beyond space and time. Sculpture, architecture, and subtle characteristics of human personality were all infused with its humanistic philosophy, which found expression in acts of kindness, peaceful cooperation, environmentally sustainable living, and personal growth.

Buddhist missionaries, who played a significant role in integrating various cultures, traditions, communities, and regions in the entire Indian subcontinent and Asia, will support the Conference, which is a unique meeting of minds where nations from various geographical areas but with a common bridge connecting them in accordance with a shared civilisation legacy, will discuss for two days on various themes, outlining ways to maintain the centuries-old ties into the future.