While stepping together with other European nations, Italy has come up ahead in dropping all COVID-19 related restrictions.

From June 1 onwards, travellers are no longer required to present proof of being completely vaccinated, nor a negative COVID-19 test report if they are not double-jabbed.

The authorities have already dropped the passenger locator form a month ago on May 1.

As the new rules are yet to come into effect, until that, travellers are required to present either proof of being completely vaccinated, or a negative test or either an evidence of having recovered from COVID-19 within the last 6 months of time period.

At the same time, Italy has joined the list of Vietnam, Croatia and Iceland and several other nations after lifting the restrictions, in reinstating a pre-coronavirus travel experience.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom has also lifted all coronavirus red tape for incoming travellers, which clarifies that Brits are no longer required for extra paperwork for an Italian getaway.

But unlike the United Kingdom, Italy still has a mask mandate which is in effect until June 15.

As per Foreign Office (FCDO), the use of FFP2 masks is mandatory-

– In case, if one is taking entry into Italy via plane, ferry, train or coach.

– When one is using public transport within the nation, including commercial flights, ferries, boats, inter regional trains, buses, subways, cars and taxis with a driver.

– At indoor public venues just like theatres, concert halls, cinemas, live music clubs as well as indoor sporting events.

-While visiting healthcare facilities.

Mask-wearing is still recommended in all indoor public spaces.