UK: Business Consultant and Analyst Dr Freeman Okpala, an Educationist, Mentor, Entrepreneur and Critical Thinker, always keeps his followers updated by sharing various unique and exciting daily posts for his people. Using his personal and professional knowledge and experiences, Dr Freeman Okpala always comes up with the most innovative and unique topics to keep people interested, Entertained and acknowledged.

Business Consultant and Analyst Dr Fred Freeman Okpala took to his social media recently and shared some signs of Fake Nice People. Dr Freeman says we can judge a person’s intentions from afar. Psychology plays a significant role in analyzing a person’s real motives and intentions; Psychology also helps us to know when a person is pretending to become what he’s not. 

Some of the Signs shared by Dr Fred Freeman Okpala shared are as follows:


Image Credits: Dr Fred Freeman Okpala, Facebook

1. Insincerity: Dr Freeman shared that a Fake nice person may appear polite and friendly, but his tone or Pitch of Voice, body language, posture or facial expressions may reveal a lack of genuine interest or concern.

2. Attention seeking: Fake-friendly people are desperate to be liked and noticed.

3. Overly excited: Fake people tend to exaggerate their feelings to draw attention to themselves and draw others in.

4. Gossiping: We often perceive fake friendly people engaging in gossip or speaking negatively about others behind their backs, despite putting on a pleasant face in front of them.

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5. Ghosting: Dr Freeman Okpala shares that many fake-nice people ghost others. If this person constantly leaves you hanging, like ignoring your calls or texts or leaving you when you most need them, it is most likely that they are fake friendly people.

6. Inconsistent behaviour: Fake-friendly people may behave differently in private than in public or switch between being pleasant and cold depending on who they are with.

7. Flattery: Fake-friendly people may use excessive flattery or compliments to gain favour or manipulate others rather than express genuine admiration or appreciation. They are the sweetest only when they want something from you.

8. Over Promising: Fake-friendly people only want others to think they can do things. They want people to believe majorly of them, so they make many promises to keep that facade up. As a result, they can promise things they can’t accomplish.

9. Superficiality: Fake-friendly people may focus on superficial or materialistic topics rather than engaging in more profound or meaningful conversations.

10. Lack of empathy: Fake-friendly people may be unable or unwilling to empathize with others’ feelings or experiences and may prioritize their interests over others.

11. Disregard for boundaries: Fake-friendly people may ignore or dismiss others’ boundaries by invading personal space or overstepping social norms.

12. Self-centeredness: Fake-friendly people may prioritize their needs and desires over others and may become hostile or defensive if they feel unmet demands.

13. Insensitivity: Fake-friendly people may make insensitive comments or jokes or trivialize others’ problems or concerns.

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14. Inauthenticity: Fake-friendly people may falsely portray themselves by exaggerating their accomplishments or interests or hiding aspects of their true personality or beliefs.

Analyzing, Judging, perceiving or getting to know someone in our instincts is the most tacting thing to study. The psychology here plays the most effective and magnificent role, people may find judging and or getting to know about someone in our instincts as equally the same thing to do, but in actuality, these two are two different things; judging about someone reflects your sudden thinking about someone, whether you know him or not, You can Judge a person by his clothes and status but Psychologically considering is not enough thing to study about, to getting into know about someone’s instincts is quite different from it as this depends upon our thinking, Intuition and inner power which often called as a gut feeling.

Psychology is about a play of the Human Mind, instinct, and gut feelings. The Mind here plays the most crucial role. Dr Freeman Okpala shared that the way our minds work is extraordinary. People think they have control over it, but usually, something unconscious dictates their actions, especially when it comes to their interactions with others. Communicating and dealing with people can be challenging for anyone at one point or another.

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Dr Freeman also shared some of the 12 social life hacks helpful when dealing with FakeFriendly people. Dr Freeman shared that being in a surrounding full of Fake Friendly people is the most dangerous thing people could ever face, but handling everything by changing your attitude and nature is the simplest thing to do: 

Learn to communicate effectively and politely: 

Dr Freeman Okpala shared that by Thoroughly developing our communication skills. Everything in life revolves around it, and it will take you far. We will soon realize that people are more interested in someone who knows how to communicate than someone with a university degree.

People will always expect us to reciprocate their generosity or favours.

Please don’t be too foolish and deny them what they think is their right. Do the wise thing—return the favour, and they’ll think we’re normal. Take care that we don’t give them our leg or arm.

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Tell people what they expect to hear.

Don’t be too radical, and don’t go against the grain—even if people look dumb. We can make more friends in three months by conforming to people’s expectations than by trying to get people to like us in three years.

Don’t play all our cards, even when your opponent appears to be winning. Only play our cards when we’re sure our opponent has nothing up their sleeve.

Learn to read body language.

Most of the time, people say one thing, but they’re usually thinking about something different. By observing their faces, you can’t know what’s in people’s minds. However, you can interpret people’s minds by reading their body language and eyes.

When someone asks us a question, don’t be in a hurry to answer or be too generous with the answer. Dr Freeman shares that Don’t play hero by volunteering information we were not asked for.

Develop a habit of remembering people’s first names

This includes the clerk, the janitor, the security guy, the caretaker or the policeman. A person’s name is very close to a person, and everyone wants to hear the sweetest language more than any other language. Next time you meet, call them by their first names, and soon enough you will have a following and a group of friends who can do anything you ask.

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 When talking, don’t try to compete with people.

Nothing can be gained by outdoing others in talking or outsmarting others. The less you speak, the fewer people know about you, and the more they respect you.

The Japanese have a saying: “A clever eagle hides its claws”. When feeling strong, please don’t show it to people. When you’re weak, don’t even say anything. There’s much strength in silence and much power in staying humble.


A simple greeting costs nothing

yet it can build massive bridges between you and your perceived enemies and friends. IT can win you favours, get you into places you’re not allowed to get into and get you out of many undesired situations.

Don’t blow the trumpet when you help others or participate in charity.

Let others do it for you, for there’s nothing to be gained by praising yourself and everything to lose by bringing shame and dishonour upon yourself.