Over 70% of Belgium nationals are said to be very concerned about the welfare of animals and believed that stricter laws should be in place. The following information has been shared by the animal rights organisation GAIA.
For its 30th anniversary, GAIA commissioned a survey on Belgians’ thoughts on animal welfare, with Ipsos market research consultancy interviewing 1,650 people on the subject in April.
The key findings have shown that the vast majority of the nation is concerned about animal welfare, with 90% of those surveyed said to be at least “a little” concerned and 70% of them are “very concerned.”
When asked about animal slaughter as a necessary process for meat production, 40% of those surveyed viewed it as “problematic”. In particular, the animal welfare group has carried out several investigations exposing inhumane practices in abattoirs and farms.
A considerable number of Belgians (40%) also expressed their concerns about animals being used and sometimes killed for medical purposes or scientific research.
74% of Belgians want legislation on animal welfare to be strengthened, even if more than 60% of respondents see an improvement on this front in recent years. 80% of Belgians are calling on elected officials to take further action on animal rights.
The survey also shows that Walloons are more concerned with animal welfare and suffering than Belgians in Brussels and Flanders.
Whilst three-quarters of Flemish respondents are opposed to keeping hens in battery farms, this practice has already been banned in Wallonia.