The Professor of the Department of Food Science and the Present dean of the Office of International Affairs at the National Taiwan, Prof. Yu-Wei Chang, visited to meet the students of the current batch of the Institute of Fish Processing Technology (IFPT).

.Prof. Yu-Wei Chang, professor of the Department of Food Science and the present dean of the Office of International Affairs at the National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), is currently in Iloilo, Philippines, to stay updated on the status and activities of the current batch participating in the International Student Internship Program of the Institute of Fish Processing Technology (IFPT).


He had a meeting with IFPT Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharon N. Nuñal, along with program coordinators Asst. Prof. Lhumen A. Tejano and Dr. Grace N. Palmos last August 28, 2023, to discuss the ongoing progress of the activities, gather feedback on student performance, and reaffirm the shared dedication to the program’s objectives.

Subsequently, the group visited the Philippine Fisheries Development Authority at the Iloilo Fish Port Complex. They were accompanied and guided by Ms. Irene Baron Magullado, the Fishery Market Operations Officer, who provided insights into the local trading and practices.

The students showed keen interest in the diverse tropical fishery resources on sale, inquiring about the joint names of the species being observed, trading operations and the origins of the buyers.

Meanwhile, the NTOU participants explored the NHCP Museum of Philippine Maritime History and the Iloilo Garden of Love a day before this meeting. They were accompanied by Ms Cyndy Condrillon, an MS Fisheries (FPT) student conducting her experiments in the NTOU in the preceding months.

This initiative is part of the NTOU Social Responsibility (USR) Practice Project, Three Fishing Prosperity – International Blue Economic Demonstration Zone, under the auspices of the Taiwan Ministry of Education.

The program is organized by NTOU in collaboration with IFPT within the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of the Philippines Visayas, serving as the primary partner institution.
