The call made by Prime Minister of Dominica, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit for snap elections has received a greenlight from the regional leaders as well. Amid the row of debates over the matter of snap elections this year, several leaders of opposition were criticizing the decision made by the DLP-led government to hold snap elections. Whereas, several regional leaders expressed their full support stating that it is constitutionally right.
While expressing their support, regional leaders have made it all clear that there is nothing to lift the matter of snap general elections, as PM Roosevelt Skerrit is not the first leader to call for elections before the decided date. Moreover, it is not even the first time in the history of Dominica that elections will be held before the date. If it is so then there is no point to criticize the decision of the Prime Minister as it is his constitutional right.
While acknowledging the fact that voting is the fundamental right as well as duty of the people, regional leaders have criticized the decision of the opposition parties to revoke the election and said that the decision to hold snap elections by Prime Minister Skerrit should not be seen as if Prime Minister is misusing his powers.
Notably, Prime Minister Skerrit has not and never worked against the electoral process of the nation and moreover the call for electoral reforms should be made if people are restricted from casting their votes. The reforms should be made if candidates are not given any chance to file their nominations. However, nothing like that have ever happened in Dominica, as candidates are free to contest the election and there is no such case reported so far where someone has faced any restriction from casting the vote for their favorite candidate.
At the same time, while acknowledging the fact that over 45 candidates have filed their nomination which is larger in over a decade. The leaders said that this sets up an example that democracy is alive and is in better practice in the nation.
Along with this, several leaders have also alleged that the leaders of opposition in their attempt to criticize the decision made by PM Skerrit for election could also go for wrong practices, which could include inciting violence or restricting people to go for vote by using some false means.
In response to which, Dominica Police have released a warning against all those who are using or are planning to go for such practices, including attempt to incite violence, blocking entry to the polling stations as well as using any of the other wrong practice to stop the elections.
Deputy Police Commissioner, Lincoln Corbette during the media address on Friday has released a warning for those who are in attempt to use such practices. He stated that the law enforcement agencies had been put on high alert for possible misconduct on the day of election, warning that persons would face the full brunt of law.
He added that, “It has come to the Police’s attention that some members of the public will engage in criminal activities, mainly the blockage and or obstruction of polling stations in Dominica on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 that is the day of election.”
Deputy Police Commissioner Corbette has released a warning that if anyone found guilty is liable to a fine of EC$400 and or six months in jail. He mentioned that apart from going to vote, there should be no assembling of people within 100 yards of a polling station.