Russia Ukraine: The leader of pro-Russian militants of Donetsk, Pavel Gubarev, said that Russia will not be able to kill all Ukrainians, so it will have to create concentration camps in Ukraine to “re-educate” the local population.

Recently, A Video has been shared widely on the Twitter handle, where the leader of Pro Russian Militants of Donetsk, Pavel Gubarev, expressed his thoughts and opinions about Ukrainian’s Hatred and anger towards Russia.


In a Video, the pro-Russian leader, Pavel, explained that following the Russia-Ukraine War, Ukrainians have formed a brutal Hatred towards them.

“We have no hatred towards Ukrainians, But if you talk to Ukrainians, they have brutal hatred towards us,” He noted.

Further, he also emphasised that they cannot kill all Ukrainians. They have to educate them and organise specific concentration camps.

“I don’t know how we can live together after our Victory. We can’t Commit Genocide to them all,” he continued.

Furthermore, He also noted how it’s necessary for them to achieve Victory, to re-educate Ukrainians to shape their thoughts, opinions, and mindsets.


“We will have to Re-Educate them, Create Concentration Camps, but for this, we must win at any cost and kill as many people as necessary,” he asserted.

Reportedly, Pawel Gubarew, the governor of the DVR Gubarev, was a member of the neo-Nazi paramilitary group Russian National Unit who later participated in the Donbas war on the side of pro-Russian forces.

The leader of pro-Russian militants of Donetsk, Pavel Gubarev, a Russian ultra-nationalist and former political figure, has said that Moscow must destroy Ukrainians and put them in re-education camps.

He commented during an interview posted by journalist and Russia watcher Julia Davis on X (formerly Twitter). This started with a question about Moscow’s failure to take Kyiv in the early stages of Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion.