The Embassy of Mexico in India shared an update about the G20 meeting hosted by India 2023 on Friday, March 10, 2023. In G20 India, the Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers, FM Marcelo Ebrard urged to tackle international traffic of arms & fentanyl, addressed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, food & energy security, development goals’ advancement, and the multilateral system reform.

On the G20 India sidelines, FM Ebrard, the first head of government of the Federal District to complete his six-year term as governor, met with Annalena Baerbock, The Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany. Both ministers discussed the future investments in (the automotive & energy sectors), and negotiations were made to update the Free Trade Agreement & the global order. FM Ebrard attended the 23rd #MIKTA Meeting of Foreign Ministers. Türkiye transferred the group’s coordination to Indonesia. All member countries are committed to tackling climate change & invest in environmentally friendly infrastructure, technology & innovation.

FM Ebrard: USA Secretary of State Anthony Blinken discussed progress on High-Level Economic Dialogue, combatting fentanyl, the importance of institutions to a strong democracy & the potential clutch for a G20 counternarcotics workstream. Last, He met with Catherine Colonna, France’s Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Both leaders shared their common concerns and views about the international scenario and discussed the advancements in the frame of the Mexican-French Strategic Council.

Reportedly, The G20 meeting in India, 2023, The New Delhi Summit, will be chaired by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. India’s presidency began on December 1 2022, leading up to the summit in the third quarter of 2023. The presidency handover ceremony was held as an intimate event. The G20 Presidency gavel was transferred from Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the close of the Bali summit. Indonesia held the presidency in 2022.

India’s G20 Presidency would guide the work of the G20 under the theme of – “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “One Earth · One Family · One Future”, – drawn from the Sanskrit phrase of the Maha Upanishad, which means “The World Is One Family”. Essentially, the theme affirms the value of all life – human, animal, plant, and microorganisms – and their interconnectedness on Earth and in the broader universe.