The United States Embassy in Freetown, Sierra Leone, extended their heartfelt pleasure and gratitude to all 2023 Fulbrighters who have left their country to pursue their complete master’s degree in the United States and honours United States contributions for serving and empowering the Sierra Leone Youth.

The United States Embassy in Freetown, Sierra Leone, is a United States-based Governmental organisation which aims to serve and support the people in Sierra Leone by providing them with efficient economic and humanitarian aid. It also seeks to promote and establish peaceful relationships and stability between the two nations.

The US Embassy, while expressing their pleasure and gratitude, sent their warmful greetings and wished them all the best for their upcoming future endeavours.

“All the best to our 2023 Fulbrighters, who have left Salone to pursue fully funded master’s degrees in the United States.” They quoted.

The Embassy also shared some glimpses from honouring their students who have been going to the United States to pursue their complete master’s degrees.

As per the reports, the students, including Francis Momoh, MA in Anthropology, Beatrice Momodu Kamara, MA in Public Affairs, and Alie Vandi Tarawally, MPH in Public Health, will be in the US for the next two years studying at different universities.

Further, while honouring the students and extending their greetings, the Embassy also emphasised their relationship with the United States and shared that Every year, the US Embassy sends a minimum of 47 Sierra Leoneans to the United States on different cultural exchange programs. 

Furthermore, the Embassy also extended its heartfelt pleasure to the United States and remarked on its contributions to ensure the growth and development of both nations, “This is an example of the United States’ commitment to empowering the next generation of Sierra Leonean leaders.” Embassy said.

“See the link to our exchange programs:…/educational-professional…/” further added.